PeaksFest Schmooze Fest and BYOB Bingo
Join us on the Fifth Maine porch for the opening party of PeaksFest – SchmoozeFest!
We’ll have yummy appetizers, music, gorgeous views and –best of all – your cwazy neighors!
You bring the beverages (BYOB).
When the sun starts to go down, we’ll retreat to the dining room for a rousing game of BINGO – with prizes! A super fun way to kick off a super fun weekend!

Please join us for the first Pancake Breakfast of the 2019 season, part of the PeaksFest celebrations!
Pancakes, eggs, ham and more! including gluten-free pancakes.
Come and enjoy great food, great company, and a great view from the scenic porch of the Fifth Maine Regiment Museum. A perfect way to start a Sunday in Maine!
Adults $10, kids under twelve $6, kids under three eat free (cash, checks or credit cards accepted).

Do yourself a favor. Unplug.
Island story-teller, Bill Hinderer, has a new batch of tales to tell. Traditional Scottish stories that will provoke your imagination and leave you with fresh perspectives to ponder. Grist for your mental mill.
Through Bill’s artful storytelling, you’ll meet Caileach and Maelbridge, the Mormaer, kelpies, giants, heroes plus the Fairy Fiddler of Col.
Please join us for an evening of delightful and entertaining stories from Scotland.
Peaks Island Music Association Concert: The Portland Piano Trio
The Peaks Island Music Association is proud to present the Portland Piano Trio featuring the award-winning musicians of 240 Strings: Anastasia Antonacos, piano; Tracey Jasus-Hardel, violin; Wayne Smith, cello.
Evening lecture series : The Rise of Island Tourism
Keven Richardson will share his research on the earliest days of the Peaks Island tourist trade. Light refreshments to follow.
Peaks Island Music Association Concert – Annual Island Musicians Concert
This annual concert features the talents of a diverse lineup of island musicians, and is a fund-raiser for the Barbara Goelman Music Scholarship, awarded to an island resident who is pursuing their music education.

Please join us for the first Pancake Breakfast of the 2019 season, part of the PeaksFest celebrations!
Pancakes, eggs, ham and more! including gluten-free pancakes.
Come and enjoy great food, great company, and a great view from the scenic porch of the Fifth Maine Regiment Museum. A perfect way to start a Sunday in Maine!
Adults $10, kids under twelve $6, kids under three eat free (cash, checks or credit cards accepted).
Evening lecture series: Early Peaks Islanders (1840-1900)
Judy Richardson has spent seven years researching and documenting the backgrounds of some of the early Peaks Islanders. She will share the fascinating stories of the men and women who are featured in her book, Early Peaks Islanders (1840-1900). A light reception and book signing will follow.
Peaks Island Music Association Concert – Sean Mencher and His Rhythm Kings
The Peaks Island Music Association is bringing back a Peaks Island favorite: rockabilly sensation, fresh from Nashville: former Peaks Islander Sean Mencher and his Rhythm Kings, along with special guests fresh out of Nashville: Tina Simpson on fiddle, and singer-songwriter Ned Hill. Come on out for a rockabilly good time!