Build awareness and increase exposure to potential job seekers about different career options and specifics of how to access them.
Goal: 2
Strategy: IndividualsEducatorsCorporations
Type of Organization: Post-Secondary Education/Training
Promote career education through credit-bearing, hands-on/experiential learning opportunities for students by funding internships and apprenticeships to expand opportunities for students to participate in them.
Goal: 2
Strategy: Philanthropy
Type of Organization: Graduate from High School
Promote career education through credit-bearing, hands-on/experiential learning opportunities for students by offering or connecting students to paid or unpaid internships and youth apprenticeships that, depending on length, earn high school and college credits.
Goal: 2
Strategy: Individuals Nonprofits EducatorsMunicipalitiesCorporations
Type of Organization: Graduate from High School
Provide alternative outlets to distribute meals in areas where there are not enough children to cost-effectively operate programs.
Goal: 1
Strategy: Philanthropy
Type of Organization: Basic Needs
Promote Multiple Career Pathways
Build awareness and increase exposure to potential job seekers about different career options and specifics of how to access them.
Goal: 2
Strategy: IndividualsEducatorsCorporations
Type of Organization: Post-Secondary Education/Training
Promote Career Education
Promote career education through credit-bearing, hands-on/experiential learning opportunities for students by funding internships and apprenticeships to expand opportunities for students to participate in them.
Goal: 2
Strategy: Philanthropy
Type of Organization: Graduate from High School
Promote Career Education
Promote career education through credit-bearing, hands-on/experiential learning opportunities for students by offering or connecting students to paid or unpaid internships and youth apprenticeships that, depending on length, earn high school and college credits.
Goal: 2
Strategy: Individuals Nonprofits EducatorsMunicipalitiesCorporations
Type of Organization: Graduate from High School
Distribute Meals
Provide alternative outlets to distribute meals in areas where there are not enough children to cost-effectively operate programs.
Goal: 1
Strategy: Philanthropy
Type of Organization: Basic Needs