It is with the help of our committed volunteers that we are able to provide services to over 15,000 neighbors in York County each year. From driving people to medical appointments, to helping with tax preparation, to helping seniors with chores around their home, you can make a difference in the lives of people in your community. We also tap into the insight and knowledge of community members to help us shape the direction of our programs and services.
YCCAC volunteers
hours of service
in donated time and labor
We can always use an extra helping hand, and we welcome you to offer your time, experience, or skill as a community volunteer.
Here are just a few of our volunteer opportunities:
Volunteer Financial Coach
Providing administrative or program support
Working with our team to do light maintenance
As a Volunteer Income Tax preparer (sign-up in the fall)
Helping people enroll in a health insurance plan as a Certified Application Counselor
Volunteer at an upcoming community event
Participate in a YCCAC focus group to offer input on various programs or initiatives
It is with the help of our committed volunteers that we are able to provide services to over 15,000 neighbors in York County each year. From driving people to medical appointments, to helping with tax preparation, to helping seniors with chores around their home, you can make a difference in the lives of people in your community. We also tap into the insight and knowledge of community members to help us shape the direction of our programs and services.
We can always use an extra helping hand, and we welcome you to offer your time, experience, or skill as a community volunteer.
Here are just a few of our volunteer opportunities:
Volunteering Questions
Contact Ericka Sanborn Volunteer Coordinator (207) 324-5762, ext. 2938 Email: ericka.sanborn@yccac.orgCA$H/Financial Coach
Click here for more info on becoming a volunteer CA$H Coach or Financial CoachTax Preparer
Click here for more info on becoming a Volunteer Tax Preparer